Previously and introduction - Reisverslag uit Reykjavik, IJsland van ellen reus - Previously and introduction - Reisverslag uit Reykjavik, IJsland van ellen reus -

Previously and introduction

Door: Ellen de Reus

Blijf op de hoogte en volg ellen

24 Maart 2014 | IJsland, Reykjavik

Hello you!
Ellen here, and you are reading my blog, probably because you liked the first one or you are very curious about my life, or you are checking if you find your name in this blog. I will try to make the best out of my English grammar, it is not my mother tongue so if it is not perfect I am sorry!!
Anyway, a short previously “in Ellens Life”

I went back to the Netherlands at the 14th of January. The plan was to return to Iceland at the 14th of February. No I didn’t book my ticket back, because you never know what might happen…..One month of Netherlands was one month full of quality time with family and my best friend. Of course a month is still to short so I didn’t manage to see all the people I wanted to see. But Yes I had a good time, enjoyed a lot. Annet my younger sister got married. Of course I think she was the most beautiful bride I ever saw, and my brother in law is just the perfect guy for her! In this month I became a alcoholic because everywhere I went and everywhere I came there was W I N E. Enjoying the good life in Netherlands. Good food, good wine, all the things I wanted to but where so cheap!!! Having nice people around me, I felt good. Of course the first week was strange and the last days you want to go…back to your other home
But something happen…..lots of you still don’t know the end of ‘mr big’…Well let me introduce him…His name is Tomos and there is no real ending. After Iceland we were still in contact, lost it a bit (but that was good, I needed the internet distance) but then…In January he let me knew he was in Amsterdam. Yess the most craziest city of the world. Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll. Well you can imagine that this lifestyle suited him. The question was….should we meet or not??? Finally we did. I went all the way to Amsterdam (yes in Netherlands the distance between my mother’s town and Amsterdam is big!) We saw each other 4 whole hours and after…I went back and he went back home to Wales. When we would see again? Of course we didn’t talk about it….but….2 days later I booked my ticket to Wales. I was leaving Netherlands 4 days earlier then planned and would stay this days with Tomos.

Like I said before, don’t plan….I stayed one week in Wales. The weather was very bad, but I finally had a holiday feeling. Finally I could relax, a week with Tomos was very nice and Wales is beautiful. We walked a lot, talked a lot, I slept a lot, we drink wine, watched movies. If I look back…maybe we could make more out of this week, but both our heads were planning other things. Anyway….it was a great time……..
Yes yes I hear some of you screaming. No, me and Tomos we are not a couple, we are friends and we will see what the future will bring us. Yess Friends…..let’s say….special friends. I left with a smile, because for me…it was not a goodbye, it was ‘I will see you again’ Tomos is now in Korea, he wanted to go there so badly he will stay there 3 or 6 month so from….our contact will probably get less, but if that is the way it is…then it is the way it is

Then….Finally the most important part of this story…’the present’’
Okay let me introduce you my house CASA DEL BITCHES/ MEANGIRLS/ RED LIGHT DISTRICT or whatever we didn’t decided yet about the name.
I am living downtown Reykjavik and share my little castle with

Pablo (next to me on the picture) I met Pablo at Riff and after a while we became good friends. Pablo is quiet, introvert but very funny and nice. At this moment he is totally in love with Pawel.

Jésus (in the middle, pronouns as gesouse) Jésus is one of the best friends of Pablo and that is how we met. Jésus is like a flower….seems to be innocent, is very funny, a bit naïf and clumpsy. Looking for love, kissing and hugging.

Then last Julio ( on the right, is Mexican, speaks very fast Spanish) he is the most wise of us, because he is living here a long long time, he is also a real PARTYanimal. You can party with him but also just sit down and chat with him. Not looking for love ( he found it), sex is enough (for now)

Me, Ellen. Not gay, not Spanish, or Spanish speaking and the only REAL female in the house. At the moment I am working in a hotel as a housekeeper looking for something more fun! Not looking for love, just go with the flow……

Today it is 24th March and that means that I am almost 5 weeks living here in this crazy amazing, wonderful loving house.
Soon….I will tell you all…..

  • 27 Maart 2014 - 14:07


    Hello Ellen
    In my best school english I will try to write something too.
    It,s good for me and my brain to speak and write in a different language.
    It,s still nice to read your storie and the life you have there.
    Anyway you share several things with us and so we know a little more about you.
    I wish you all the best and who nows we will read soon more stories about your life in Reykjavik or maby Korea!!

    Greetings from Mieke

  • 27 Maart 2014 - 15:17

    Ellen De Reus:

    aaaahhh wat lief, maar je mag gewoon in het Nederlands reageren hoor als je dat wil!!!! Ik ga snel even een echt leuk verhaal schrijven waarschijnlijk dit weekend weer even lekker voor zitten. het leven nu is natuurlijk totaal anders en voorlopig blijf ik nog even in Reykjavik, wie weet waar de wind mij dan brengt :)
    Dank je wel dat je mij zo trouw volgt!!!!!!!

    Liefs Ellen

  • 16 April 2014 - 21:32

    Harry Hommes :

    Well, so it goes...I really enjoyed following you, reading the stories. They made me smile, wonder and sometimes made me think of days gone by. Keep it up Ellen, live your life, don't look back.

  • 28 April 2014 - 15:05


    Ha ellie!! Heb eindelijk maar eens je verhalen gelezen wat kun je mooi schrijven!!veel liefs van vroon uut etten met n dikke kus!!

  • 19 Mei 2014 - 22:51


    I know it has been a long time, soon I will finally write, my fingers are tickeling!!!
    Harry may I ask who you are?


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Hoi ik ben Ellen!!! De afgelopen jaren heb ik verschillende leuke dingen gedaan. Maar de afgelopen jaren had ik ook de wens om voor langere tijd weg te gaan uit Nederland. Taaaadaaaaa daar ga ik dan naar IJsland, Reykjavik (veel andere plaatsen zijn er niet ;) ) Ik ga mijn best doen zoveel mogelijk ervaringen met jullie te delen. Liefs

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Voorgaande reizen:

05 December 2014 - 14 April 2015

A dream came true. Australia

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